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How to embed Youtube Video with PrettyEmbed.js
Embedding a video into a web page is simple now with the help of Youtube Share feature. But if you want more than that, there's a little Jquery plugin to bring Youtube Video into your website with higher resolution preview image, advanced customization and even support for FitVids
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Top jquery slider you should know
Sliders have become an almost integral part of web designing. Nowadays, It's difficult to find a website without the use of a photos slider or content slider. In this post, we bring you the best free jquery sliders that you can use to decorate your website and attract more readers.
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How to make Facebook Like Box responsive
When putting the Facebook Like Box into your website, you have the option to modify the width and height of the widget. But the value is in pixel, which mean you can't make it responsive. Luckily, there's a CSS hack that allow you to do it
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How to install ZenOpcache on Centos 6 in 4 steps
OPcache improves PHP performance by storing pre-compiled script bytecode in the shared memory. This eliminates the stages of reading code from the disk and compiling it on future access. In addition, it applies a few bytecode optimization patterns that make code execution faster. PHP >= 5.5. has Zend OPcache support in core. For PHP from 5.2 to 5.4 you need to install ZenOPcache using PECL
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Which one is the fastest PHP?
 Zeev Suraski – Zend's CTO & Co-Founder published a great detailed benchmark article between PHP (5.4, 5.5, 5.6) & HHVM (3.1, 3.2) & PHPNG (PHP Next Generation).